The 12th International Ukrainian Energy Forum
The 12th International Ukrainian Energy Forum of the Adam Smith Institute is returning as an annual meeting place for Ukrainian and international energy leaders!
Ukrainian Energy Forum returns to serve as the annual meeting place for international energy leaders on 14-16 July at Parkovy Congress and Exhibition Centre, Kyiv.
With this invitation via The Ukrainian Journal of Business Law you are entitled to a 15% discount.
Simply quote your VIP code: EUC017mUJBL REGISTRATION ONLINE.
For 11 years Ukrainian Energy Forum has served as the highlight annual platform for key Ukrainian and international energy leaders to come together and discuss practical solutions to industry’s most pressing challenges, from market reform to European integration to investment stimulation and technological modernisation. Last year at our meeting in February we had the honour of hosting an outstanding speaker lineup, including the Prime Minister of Ukraine, the Minister of Energy, the Head of European Union Delegation to Ukraine, Director of the Energy Community and CEOs of leading energy enterprises.
14 July 2021 – Electricity Focus Day:
- Continuing with the power market reform – REMIT and other mechanisms of ensuring profitability, liquidity and transparency in the wholesale sector;
- Organisational and technological adaptation for European market integration and next stage of synchronisation with ENTSO-E;
- Development of distribution assets – introduction of RAB tariffs;
- Implementing the commitments under the Memorandum of Understanding and safeguarding the future of investment into renewable energy sources.
15-16 July 2021 – Main Conference Day One and Two
- Priorities for domestic energy industry – aligning the government and the business vision for Ukrainian energy transformation;
- Diversification of energy mix and international partnerships – business case for LNG and hydrogen;
- Building on success of the gas market liberalisation and integration – Ukrainian gas hub;
- New chapter for the upstream sector – new PSAs, plans for new large-scale reserves, existing mature fields, fiscal policies and reform of the regulatory environment.
To view our speaker line up of highest caliber visit here http://www.adamsmithconferences.com/EUC017mUJBLsen
We look forward to seeing familiar and new faces in July, offline or online!
If you have any enquiries or suggestions do not hesitate to contact Anna Kuzminskaya: +380 63 7673207 A.Kuzminskaya@adamsmithconferences.com
For detailed information and registration follow the link >> http://www.adamsmithconferences.com/EUC017mUJBLren
Join the UEF Group on FACEBOOK and follow our updates.
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