DLA Piper advised Atlantic Agro Holdings and DUI Holding
DLA Piper has advised Atlantic Agro Holdings and DUI Holding on the sale of three companies: Kyiv Atlantic Ukraine (KAU), Atlantic Farms and Atlantic Farms II, which together formed Kyiv Atlantic Group, a grain, oil seed and vegetable protein processing agroholding.
Located in Kyiv Oblast’s KAU has been operating in Ukraine for 28 years. Kyiv Atlantic Group was equally owned by the Sweere Family – David, Tamara and son Daniel – and Danish company DUI Holding.
The DLA Piper team in Denmark was led by corporate partner, Karsten Pedersen, Anastasiya Bolkhovitinova (legal director) with DLA Piper Ukraine was responsible for Ukrainian part of the transaction. The firm advice included transaction structuring, assistance at negotiations with the counterparties and banks as well as advising on various corporate and regulatory matters.
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